Devlog (as of Jul. 23)

V0.0.2(D) (July 22, 2024)

New Features

  • Created two new trap types: the Spike Trap and the Temporary Trap. The Spike Trap will have spikes come out after 0.7s and the temporary trap will disappear after 0.6s
  • Created a health and life pickup. Health will restore up to 5hp, life will only restore 1 life.
  • Created levels 6 & 7, began a branching path for level 8 (player can either go UP or crawl and go RIGHT. Camera needs to be worked on for this though)

Fixes / Changes

  • No major fixes or changes at this time

V0.0.2(C) (July 22, 2024)

New Features

  • Added a flash animation the player when they are hit by a mob
  • Added an autoloaded level transition scene. Plays when a level is completed.

Fixes / Changes

  • Restructured the programming. There is a better distinction between a global "main" script and a level-specific script
  • Made a clear transition to the next level
  • Moved some of the files around for better organization.

V0.0.2(b) (July 21, 2024)

New Features

  • Added a basic damage system (NOT SUPER FUNCTIONAL YET)
  • Scene transition to next level added (not perfect yet)

Fixes / Changes

  • Player can now deal damage to mobs

V0.0.2 (July 21, 2024)

New Features

  • Created levels 1 - 4 for part 1
  • Created a falling trap block and set up the hit detection
  • Created a "life" system. Player has 3 lives.
  • Created a "checkpoint" system.
  • Created moving camera system. Camera moves when player reaches edge.
  • Created match case for instructions
  • Spikes added

Fixes / Changes

  • Player moves slower when crawling
  • ColorRect background added

Files Play in browser
57 days ago